Political science is a branch of social science concerned with theory, description, analysis and prediction of political behavior, political systems and politics broadly-construed. The Department of Political Science and Public Administration offers a bachelor of arts degree in political science that can lead to exciting careers in federal, state and local governments; law; business; international organizations; nonprofit associations and organizations; campaign management and polling; journalism; education; electoral politics; research; and university and college teaching. At UNC Charlotte, political science majors gain analytical skills, administrative competence, and communication abilities that are valued in a wide spectrum of potential career areas including teaching, law, business, public relations or work in the mass media, domestic and foreign government service, the military, and a variety of active roles in politics.
Admission and Progression Requirements, and all Program Requirements can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog. Please see the information below:
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Political Science Major/Minor Declaration/Change
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Political Science Major/Minor Declaration/Change
Honors Program
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Early Entry
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Additional Resources for Students
- Advising: If you are a declared Political Science Major you should make an advising appointment on CONNECT with Ms. Sarah Valvo or Dr. Jacqueline Chattopadhyay.